Season 4, Episode 9: First Serious Party

Hello and Happy (belated belated belated) New Year! I know it’s March, but I’ve been writing this since late January, so it’s the new year to me, aiight?! I hope 2020 is treating everyone ok. I feel like world is sorta imploding with various events, and viruses and whatnot, so lets’ keep it light and simple with a good ol’ R or N review, shall we?

The episode opens with Amanda telling Busy that Stephen and Phyllis are going to LA for the weekend because he is a jingle writer and needs to be there for some reason. How does Phyllis manage to nab all these rich artist types? She must let them do butt stuff or something. But anyway, Nina is lurking about and says Amanda has to be a total square not to immediately think to have a party at Stephen’s loft. Amanda states that if so much as a dust particle is seen out of place by Stephen he will cane Amanda’s backside without haste.

As they are discussing this, two dudes who look EXACTLY THE SAME BUT AREN’T TWINS walk in. They’re both named Trevor and they both have leather jackets on, only difference is one has a red shirt and one has a blue shirt. Amanda and Nina appear to be drooling over them, and even Busy is like you legit can’t tell the difference between them. Ok you sorta can, I think the red shirt one is a ginger, but the point is, they are both pretty generic, and according to Busy not the brightest bulbs in the porch light.

Amanda looks like she’s doing some creepy wolf whistle, but she’s mostly just talking about how she thinks they are sensitive. I swear that’s her go-to adjective to describe guys she likes.

Nina says that if Amanda really wants to get to know Trevor x2 she should throw the loft party. This episode is full of lurkers as now Carla is is behind the girls wearing quite possibly the most 90’s ensemble I’ve ever seen. I know the 90’s are making a comeback, but have teddy bear backpacks made a return? I think I actually had the exact same one as her, I just legit never used it, only bought it cuz it was trendy lol. Anyway, Carla inserts her non-asked-for opinion, and states only losers would go to Amanda’s party. The girls tell her to fuck off, but you can see now this whole party idea is brewing in Amanda’s poofy little brain and within seconds she declares that Friday night she will be throwing a bash.

The next scene is at Stephen’s loft, which is also Amanda and Phyllis’ new pad. Phyllis is wasting no time getting all her shit unpacked and settling right now. Might I say, it must’ve been clear to Phyllis early in the relationship that things with SMEL weren’t going to work, as it never seemed like she ever wanted to move in with him. Meanwhile her and Stephen have been dating probably a couple months and she’s already planting her roots. There was really no point to that observation, but anyway, continuing on… Stephen is practising a jingle of some sort which irritating the crap out of Amanda who is attempting to do homework.

We then see Stephen flossing the frickin’ keyboard… not sure if this is a common thing keyboard players do, but I guess it’s to show that Stephen is super anal retentive with his equipment which will matter later on.

Amanda goes into her room and calls Busy to discuss the party and how she’s obsessed with making sure Trevor Part 1 gets invited. Phyllis comes in to chat which irritates Amanda some more. I don’t even really know the point of this conversation is, other than Phyllis’ making sure Amanda is kept in line and won’t be repeating what happened last time she went out of town with her boyfriend.

Well I hate to break it to you Phyllis, but this time isn’t shaping up to be any better than the last.

Stephen interrupts for some reason and mentions to Amanda to be careful with his keyboard/stereo while they are gone. They eventually peace out and Amanda tells Busy that Sag needs to check out the keyboard when they get to the party. So you know she gives approximately zero fucks about making sure Stephen’s shit isn’t touched.

The next day at school Amanda is handing out glittery home-made invites to her party, this seems like a throw-back to the first party she ever threw. She gives one to Sag who acts a bit weird because of his whole thing with Busy. Get over it Sag, no one cares anymore. Monkey Ears manages to wrangle an invite thanks to Nina. Suddenly The Outsiders walk by, and Amanda and Nina zoom down the hall to catch up to them as getting Trevor #1 an invite is the mission of the day.

The dudes say they will attend if there is any “liquid” aka alcohol. Nina decides to just write “free booze” on the invite to which Amanda is like wtf how are we supposed to get this, we aren’t even of age. But Nina has an ace up her sleeve.

That ace being having Amanda dress up as some weird Scandinavian named Helga Umlaut (yes, like that little symbol above German words) and using a fake ID to score some booze. Amanda points out how irritating it is that this is all Nina’s dumb idea, but yet she’s not even doing it. I hate these types of friends, they are always coming up with the dumbest shit, but they are never the ones actually doing the awkward aspects of their ideas.

Anyway, Busy and Amanda kind of wander around the liqour store, looking for alcoholic beverages to buy. They pick up a bottle of rosé and remark at how expensive it is at $6. The fuck? Like what was the price of wine in the 90’s? Cuz to me a $6 bottle of wine is pretty dope.

They decide on what they should’ve just went with in the first place, which is beer. Amanda grabs a couple of cases and you can tell right off the bat this store clerk is not buying this at all. I don’t blame him, because Amanda legit looks like she’s about to commit Russian espionage with her kerchief and glasses get up. Nina even says before they go in that she got busted before, so like why didn’t she make an effort to make Amanda look somewhat adult? She definitely could’ve pulled off looking 19 wearing like a blazer and some sophisticated glasses.

So the clerk ends up busting her on a really stupid question and her beers are swiftly confiscated. Probably didn’t help that Busy was in the store with her and definitely looks like a teen. Wow these girls are dumb.

So anyway, they now have no choice but to go to plan B, which is buying non-alcoholic beer. Amanda thinks this idea is stupid as hell, but Nina believes that the good ol’ placebo effect will take place, meaning that they will believe it is booze because they want to believe it is booze. Here’s hoping Trevor 2x are as dumb as they look. Amanda says everyone will be able to read the label saying non-alcoholic, so Busy offers up an old keg of Manny’s to hide the truth of the beer.

The next scene has Phyllis and Stephen getting ready to head to the airport/LA for the weekend. As soon as they go Nina and Busy come in with snacks/ the keg in hand. They start filling the keg, while trying the beer and talking about how disgusting it is. I can understand, because when I was a teen I was all about dat Mike’s Hard Lemonade. It wasn’t until I was in my 20’s did I appreciate beer. But I am sure this fake shit they bought really does taste like Frankie’s socks (Busy’s description).

All of a sudden the door is heard opening, and Phyllis and Stephen are back because Phyllis forgot her diaphragm aka the plane tickets.  The girls hussle and manage to get all the beer hidden. Phyllis comes in and notes the kitchen smells like a locker room… damn that is some rank beer. Stephen finds the tickets and the elders finally get the hell out. So now our party can commence.

So next scene the party is under way and it seems like a groovy time. Amanda is being a good hostess handing out fake beer to all her guests. I also want you guys to note this dude in the purple shirt. The music is really chill, and this idiot is dancing around like he’s got squirrels up his ass. Anyway, I wanted to note it cuz it will matter later. Also Busy and Sag have an awkward hi from across the room. Omg friggin’ get over it, you two were the lamest couple on this show. Nina and Amanda are all pumped because they expect their Trevors to be arriving soon.

The doorbell rings and they scamper all excited to answer it. Unfortunately for them it’s just Carla and and Monkey Ears. I love how she dissed the party but of course showed up, as if Carla had anything better to do, everyone hates her.

Busy and Sag start finally having some small talk, and we see purple shirt knock over a chair…. prelude to bigger things soon. Sag notes that he must be pretty drunk, to which Busy replies not possible.

Finally Trevor comes and he’s brought about 50 extra people with him. Amanda’s starting to feel stressed out at all these randos, but Nina is just like the more the merrier, and hands Trevor a fake beer and moseys inside with him. She’s such an opportunistic little betch.

The Jets conjugate around the keg and start chugging. Amanda wonders to Nina if they’ll notice it’s fake, but of course they don’t. One person does notice, and that’s Monkey Ears. He points out the the beer tastes weak AF. Blue shirt Trevor basically tells him to fuck off because how would he know. They wander off with Nina, and Amanda notices the keg is getting mighty low. You can tell she’s really starting to get over this whole hostess thing as it’s mostly just picking up after people and refilling the keg. Amanda even asks Nina to help her and she tells her to “relax.” At this point I’d be mighty ready to back hand slap this girl. Considering this party was her idea she’s reaping all the benefits while putting in slim to nil work.

Busy and Sag fool around with the keyboard a bit and end up accidentally playing Stephen’s jingle much to the chagrin of the youths at the party. Honestly though, it’s probably better than listening to another one of Busy and Sag’s songs.

Amanda finally gets two seconds to sit with Trevor alone. He’s pretty simple in that he comments that her hair is nice, and then proceeds to chug his beer in under 5 seconds… what a keeper. He then immediately proceeds to ask Amanda if there’s another keg around. She glumly goes off to resume refilling it. This episode really made me never want to host a party as a teenager.

Amanda gets beer on her jacket and goes to change walking in on Carla and Monkey Ears doing God knows what in her bedroom. It’s weird because ME is acting drunk, but he’s the one who called out that the beer was fake as hell, so I’m not sure if he’s like fuck it and is giving in to the placebo effect or maybe they brought their own edibles? I dunno, either way, Amanda is like da faq and kicks them out. Honestly at least they weren’t having sex, because then Amanda would have had to take a blow torch to the room.

Amanda brings out a new keg and the party seems like it’s getting a bit rowdier, aka people drinking out of vases, there’s a dude behind Busy and Sag writing on a glass wall, etc. Speaking of which, Busy and Sag seem like they are slowly starting to jam together as they are still experimenting on the keyboard. Just as Amanda’s announcing them to the crowd, Monkey Ears “pukes” on the ground. Amanda goes off to clean it up, but it’s one of his stupid fake joke things. Carla’s like the perfect girl for Monkey because she thinks every single idiotic thing he does is hilarious. It’s pretty sad that these two have been the strongest couple on the show by far.

Alright so remember when I told you guys to keep an eye on that stupid purple shirt dancing guy? Well he’s gone and done it now, because rhythm is a fucking dancer, and this moron smashes right into Busy, causing her to knock over the holy grail known as Stephen’s keyboard. Oh and you can see those guys drawing in the background. Amanda’s bout ready to lose her shit.

Amanda catches Nina on the lap of Blue Shirt Trevor flirting it up, which pisses her right off. She goes over to her and is like wtf are you doing, that’s my tail. Nina tells her she thought she liked Red Shirt Trevor, to which she’s like, “uhh no HUNNY”. I call shade, because Nina could clearly see that Amanda was constantly drooling over this dude, so she obviously just wanted to get her claws into him herself. Considering Amanda has to deal with the hell that is this party, Nina should back off and at least let her hook up with Blue Shirt Trevor. But it’s pretty clear Nina is a selfish and self-centered person.

Also Sag tries and fails to get the keyboard working again.

Well all hell is about to break lose, as Blue Shirt Trevor goes to the keg and see’s that it’s empty. He finds the stash of fake beer under the sink and is in shock and extremely irate that this is what they’ve been consuming this whole time. Monkey Ears takes delight in being smarter than a guy whose IQ is about equivalent to a rake, and mocks Trevor stating once again that he knew the beer was fake. Trevor can’t stands that and sprays Monkey Ears in the face with a can of beer. Monkey Ears throws some cheetos in Trevor’s face and gets the ball rolling on the oncoming destruction.

So now everyone decides it’s a swell time to totally trash Amanda’s house and guess whose in the middle of it all but fucking Nina. Yes, this stupid hoe decides it’s ok to run around and totally wreck the shit out of her friend’s house. She even knocks over Phyllis’ favourite vase on purpose. The worst part is she can’t even use being drunk as an excuse! She’s trashing her friend’s house completely sober. I swear if I was Amanda this girl would not be walking the next day. So yeah, now everyone is going completely ape shit and there’s no getting them under control. Busy tells Amanda it’s time to call the cops, to which Carla overhears and tells everyone they need to run for the hills. Nina runs out with Trevor and calls Amanda a trip for calling the police. What a bitch.

Anyway, considering none of these people were actually drunk, they totally demolished her house…. and the keyboard is still broken. Things are not looking good for our friend Amanda.

That Monday at school, Amanda is telling Busy that Phyllis and Stephen haven’t spoken to her since they got back. It seems like the worst thing that happened was the keyboard, but it was only a patch cord or something that was wrecked so it’s still fixable. Either way, Amanda’s grounded for the rest of her natural born life as a result of this party.

They see Nina in the halls and immediately shun her as they should. So yeah, that’s the end of Nina. Good riddance.

They then see Blue Shirt Trevor and he tells Amanda the party was awesome and asks her out. Amanda replies she doesn’t date complete dumbasses and walks off with Busy. The episode ends with the girls just randomly talking about stuff, the main one being Sag and Busy getting back together to jam (and no one cares).

Anyway, I liked this episode a lot, it was the closest this show will ever get to a “teen drinking” concept, and the party goers basically ended up acting like how drunk teens would in that situation anyway.

I just wanna say thanks to everyone who leaves nice comments on here, it’s really awesome to read things and see that people are still enjoying the content, even though I’m not the best at updating this consistently. Also special hello to Matt Moore aka Emma/Emory who left a comment on “The Big Gulp” episode. It’s really awesome to see people who were on the show reading this blog.

Next episode, Busy feels weird around a guy in a wheelchair. I’ll try to update again before summer. 😉