Season 4, Episode 3: Where Do I Belong?

Hello fam. Let us continue with this glacial pace that is the review of Season 4.

The episode opens with people rocking their goddamn asses off to Busy and “The Neons” aka Neon Vomit, who now have a new name. It appears that they also have a music video and it is called “Unleashed”.

This sounds anything but unleashed, as it’s a pretty generic drum solo going on, we don’t even get any of the Liz’s signature screeches. I’m pretty disappointed.

This sequence continues with Busy smugly walking down the hall at Dorsey, spitting on the little people who got in her way all these years.  We also get our first shot of Sag, who will be our new permanent addition to the cast, but more on him later.

Anyway, in case you couldn’t figure it out based on the grey images and ridiculous set up, this is yet another Ready or Not dream sequence. Lucy is heard calling to Busy in the distance, where we now see that Busy is actually playing the drums alone in her dank basement. I could tell pretty much right off the bat that this wasn’t real though, because as if anyone would ever give Neon Vomit a record deal. Busy tries to ignore her mom until Lucy finally pokes her head downstairs and tells her to get her goddamn ass to school.

So now the real opening which features Busy hustling into Dorsey where Petrocelli is seen handing out flyers for The Neon’s next gig. He tells her to get to work, as Amanda is no longer the band’s lackey and he needs Busy to put up and hand out posters for their show. We also see some dude named Brad who used to be the drummer in the band aka FORESHADOWING. P.S. When the hell did Brad play with them? Busy’s been their drummer since she was like 12, how long has this stupid band been in existence?

Busy gets to work handing out those Neon flyers… hey I just realized probably to promote THE NEONS, wow that’s clever. Anyway, Amanda and Nina are loitering around and ask for some “VIP passes” to the show. Considering this concert is most likely being held in Neon Vomit’s garage, I doubt they’ll have trouble getting in. Amanda also remarks that she can stay out late that night as Phyllis has wasted no time after dumping Mel and has gripped her talons into a new unsuspecting male.

We also find out that Amanda is going to be auditioning for some community theatre version of The Wizard of Oz (see I told you guys this acting shit was not going away). Nina eggs her on, saying that she’d be the perfect Dorothy, despite the fact that I’m pretty sure Nina has never seen Amanda act at all.

Oh yeah and Sag randomly comes out of nowhere and asks for a flyer. This show is really trying to make a point of saying it’s some weird type of destiny for Busy and Sag to meet even though basically nothing of importance ever comes out of them knowing each other.

Next scene is literally just Nina and Amanda being stupid in the bathroom, aka rehearsing the tornado scene from The Wizard of Oz. Amanda bellows “TOTO!” like a groupie at the concert of said band. I’m betting she possibly caused some poor frightened girl’s urine to retract back into her urethra with that screaming. Why do these characters literally have to do everything in the washroom? Does this school not have an auditorium?

At the Ramone residence, the family and Sheila are all gathered around inhaling their dinner. Busy then notices a rock on Sheila’s hand, and it turns out Manny is finally making an honest woman out of Sheila. Lucy breaks down in tears of joy, probably because she thinks she’s finally free of doing Manny’s laundry, and rushes over to congratulate/offer condolences to Sheila.

The couple also informs the fam that Manny can’t find work beyond the butcher shop and wants to move back in with the Ramone’s so they can save up a down payment for a house. Sam for some reason gets pissed at this i.e. them living together in sin under “his roof” even though they have been living in sin at an apartment and thus his logic makes no sense. Manny, with the insight of how the future will go for many Millenial’s, tells Sam that “everyone is doing it” aka moving home. Sam is still pissed at the idea though. Lucy tells him to STFU as they need to celebrate by getting sloshed on red wine. Frankie asks where they’ll go and Manny suggests the basement which immediately makes Busy mad as that’s where her precious drums are. Of course the conversation then becomes about said drums and how important they are blah blah blah we’ve heard this 10,000 times on this show. Lucy quickly shuts her up and they all go back to ignoring her feelings and celebrating.

Next day at school, Busy rushes up to Amanda and Nina to inform them of the news. Before Busy can give Amanda the 411 on the Manny situation, Nina spits out that Amanda got a role in the play. But alas she is not playing Dorothy. No, Amanda is playing the goddamn tornado. Busy does what anyone would do and laughs in Amanda’s face. Amanda gets all pissy, stating that Busy’s music isn’t the only important thing round these parts. But yeah, I agree with Busy, if my friend told me they were playing a weather event I’d laugh at them as well.

Later on in a short scene, Sheila reveals that she has no sisters/friends and asks Busy if she’d be a bride’s maid at her wedding. Busy says yes even though later on she’ll act like being a bride’s maid is the biggest fucking ordeal which it so wasn’t for her as she ends up doing nothing.

New scene and Nina and Amanda are at the Neon Vomit show. Busy is about to perform, when Petrocelli comes by and asks if Brad can play the first songs of their set which Busy says yes to even though you can tell she’s not happy about it.

Anyway, so Brad’s slightly less generic drumming has had quite the affect on these teens as they start cutting a rug to his jams. P.S. This is the same song from the dream sequence and I still find it weird that there is no singing in it at all. Brad does a cool little drum solo at the end and everyone starts losing their goddamn minds at this John Bonham reincarnate.

Finally Busy tells Petrocelli that Brad’s been playing three songs (when they said he would only play two) and that he needs to get his ass off the drum stand ASAP. Busy finally rejoins the group and starts playing a ditty, but it is too late; the crowd is drunk on the greatness that is Brad, and they begin to boo Busy and chant Brad’s name. I feel pretty bad for Busy in this scene, it was pretty dickish of the dudes to let Brad play before her. You can tell Busy is on the cusp of crying.

After the show, while Busy is off somewhere, the guys of Neon Vomit have wasted no time already trying to figure out a way to get her out of the band as Brad is now available. Doesn’t seem to matter to them that he was the one who left the band in the first place and is probably a total flake. What a bunch of douches. Amanda and Nina overhear them and ask where Busy is and they say she’s probably in the can, so they go off to find her. I just need to say though that The Liz is looking LEAGUES better with his short blue hair and also the fact that he is now speaking full sentences (I know he has been for awhile, but I always think back to that first episode we saw him in and remember how he was borderline a reptile before).

They wander off downstairs where Busy is hiding in a corner crying but can hear what they are saying. Nina is clearly all about attending some after party that the band is having as Brad will probably be there i.e. she doesn’t care at all about Busy. Amanda’s more sympathetic and says what I was thinking in that the band would be morons to dump Busy as Brad is clearly not reliable and will probably bail again. They give up looking after one second and head off to the party.

Suddenly we hear the faint sound of what sounds like a flute. Enter SAG “short for Sagittarius” and you will NEVER forget that because trust me, Sag won’t let you. Sag is literally every pretentious teenage high school boy wrapped up in a trench coat wearing package. He reminds me so much of guys I knew in my youth who thought everything they said was super profound. I feel like Sag will look back on his teen years and grimace (least I hope so, really hope he gains self-awareness when he becomes an adult). Anyway, so while he is probably the most cringey character on the show, I don’t hate Sag, I just find my eyes rolling into the back into my head about 90% of the time he is on the screen.

So yeah, Sag comes along with some weird flute thing and sits with Busy, letting her know that while the other guy had “flash” she was more “solid.” He then tells Busy that “it’s not easy becoming your future” and then walks off into the night. See, told you he’s full of shit. Also, I literally can’t tell if he’s chubby or if he just wears a lot of layers. This has bothered me since I first started watching the show.

The next morning the Ramone’s are all in piss poor moods because Manny is making Sam and Frankie help him move a futon into the basement. The door bell rings and it’s Petrocelli whose come to officially kick Busy out of the band. He tries to act all remorseful but Busy is not having it and slams the door in his face. She runs off to beat the living shit out of her drums in the basement. Manny comes and apologizes for taking over her space but you can tell Busy is on the cusp of having a freak out and runs upstairs. Amanda randomly stops by and is being super annoying with her stupid tornado rehearsing. It’s pretty obvious Busy is looking to take her anger out on someone, as she starts getting into it with Amanda by bringing up the fact that her and Nina were gushing about how good Brad was in the basement the night before. Amanda tells Busy she thinks she’s good too and Busy tells her to shut up as she knows she’s good and she’s sick of dealing with Amanda’s selfish artsy bullshit. Amanda tells Busy to call her when she’s not on her rag and takes off. Busy kicks some boxes because she’s pissed at the world and obviously can’t be a drummer anymore because some shitty garage band from Scarborough kicked her out.

Later on in her bedroom, Busy starts humming and creating a song to the melody Sag was playing on his didgeridoo when she encountered him in the basement. She gets frustrated and throws away the song within mere seconds. Lucy comes as she noticed her daughter is acting a lot more mopey than usual. They have a heart to heart about how Busy is feeling lost and feels like things are not easy. Lucy tells her that being an adult sucks and it doesn’t get easier but at least she has new adventures/disappointments to look forward to in her future. Lucy then suggests they take apart Busy’s bunk beds, I guess symbolizing that Busy is growing up. I wish they had decided to take an axe to her drum kit to symbolize that instead. Busy fishes out the song she was creating before and pins it on her bristle board. This will begin Busy’s new progression into becoming a song writer. Hopefully she does better than she did last season with Maxine.

The next day at school Nina has Amanda is this horrendous tornado costume that Amanda is actually going to wear to her audition. Busy tries to hold back her laughter after Nina runs off to get shit ready at the theatre. Amanda is upset because A. She looks crazy as hell and B. Busy is still mad at her. Busy tells her she’s not mad anymore, she was like having a pre-mid life crisis and took it out on Amanda. She then tells Amanda that Manny is getting hitched and she is going to be a bride’s maid. Amanda of course is ecstatic at that since she lives major life events through Busy and her family. Amanda runs off to the audition and the episode ends with Busy seeing Sag in the hallway and talking about music or some crap.

This episode was meh for me, mostly because I don’t care at all about Busy’s music stuff and that was the entire episode. I guess I will miss seeing The Liz, but now that he’s normal he’s pretty boring so good riddance Neon Vomit.

P.S. These last two weeks have been a whirlwind (much like Amanda’s costume) for me. I got married October 28th and then this past Monday I had to put my cat to sleep. So yeah, I am happy to be writing in this blog because it’s a good distraction and attempting to be funny makes me feel better. Thanks for reading everyone who still does/new readers.